Welcome to Richard Ruppel's Home Page 
Professor of English & Peace & Justice Studies
Chapman University

Office  Smith Hall, Room 07
Phone: (714) 997-6754 (Office)
Office Hours:  In person or via Zoom, by appointment    
E-Mail: ruppel@chapman.edu



Spring 2024:


ENG/PCST 360:  War, Memory Literature.  Tuesday & Thursday, 1:00-2:15pm.  Smith 103. 


Ruppel’s Curriculum Vitae


Archived Courses


Fall 2023 Courses: 


FFC 100A, section 25 – Neuroscience & Literature: A Cognitive Approach to Reading Fiction

English 223—British Literature 1789-Present

Spring 2023 Course:


ENG 347 – Cognition & the Novel

Fall 2021 Courses: 

FFC 100A.13 – Neuroscience & Literature: A Cognitive Approach to Reading Fiction
English 345—Ladies and Gentlemen:  Gender in the Age of Victoria


Spring 2020 Course:

English 223.02:  British Literature 1789-Present


Spring 2019 Courses

PCST/ENG 360:  War, Memory, & Literature


Fall 2017-Spring 2018:  On sabbatical leave 

Fall 2016 Courses:


PCST/ENG 360:  War, Memory, & Literature

Spring, 2015

English 545/445—Henry James & Joseph Conrad

Spring 2014

English 334—British Romantic Literature
English 335—British Victorian Literature

Fall 2013

English 238 – British Literature Survey II

Spring 2013:

English 545 – Major Authors:  Joseph Conrad (Thursdays, 4-6:50pm)

Spring 2012:  ENG 250:  Introduction to Fiction


Fall 2011:


English 336 – Modern British Literature
Honors 322
Political Literary Theory and the Modern Novel
British Colonial Literature:  Reading and Conference

Spring 2011 - Reading and Conference - ENG 337 - British Colonial Fiction

Fall 2009:
  FFC 100.46:  The Literature of Devotion

Spring 2009:  English 104.3 – Composition & Introduction to Literature
                       English 535—British Victorian Literature         

Spring 2008:  English 498:  Senior Seminar

Spring 2007 English 522:  Modernism in American Literature—Modern Poetry

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Chapman Peace Studies Home Page
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