Chapter 4 Summary


Chapter 4 focuses on an integrated case study about telecommunications customer analysis using Alteryx software. The chapter applies the CRISP-DM (Cross-Industry Standard Process for Data Mining) methodology to analyze customer data from a fictional company called CosmoFone.


The chapter begins by outlining learning objectives, which include defining business problems, working with quantitative and qualitative data, generating frequency tables, interpreting probabilities, and communicating results. It then introduces a case study about CosmoFone, a telecommunications company expanding its services in Iceland, and presents a dataset of customer information to be analyzed.


The document provides step-by-step instructions on using Alteryx to prepare and analyze the data, including creating frequency tables, contingency tables, and calculating conditional probabilities. It covers both quantitative variables (like customer tenure and monthly bills) and qualitative variables (like customer churn status and whether they are senior citizens). The chapter includes several in-chapter practice problems and ends with take-away points emphasizing the importance of leveraging data analytics in accounting. It also includes end-of-chapter practice problems for further application of the concepts learned.