Radio Museum
The underlying technology behind many of today's innovations is radio communications. And in the heart of Lindholmen neighborhood in Gothenburg, Sweden, there is a unique museum dedicated to the history of radio. Radio Museum has collected many antique objects revolving around radio e.g. crystal radios, transistor radios, car radios, marine radios, military radio, radio measuring equipment and even telephone and TV.

The oldest object I found was the Karl G Eliasson's radio transmitter from 1924 that used to send advertised radio broadcasts to the public in Gothenburg a couple of evenings in a week. The other treasure was a car radio built by Philco for some car models manufactured by Studebaker in 1930s.

If you happen to be in the center of Gothenburg, you can take a short ferry from Stenpiren to Lindholmen to even get a taste of archipelago of Gothenburg. Radio museum does have a modest café and the friendliest personnel so enjoy the fika!
SystemC Evolution Fika
SystemC Evolution is an Accellera initiated activity that exclusively focuses on the evolution of SystemC standard. SystemC Evolution Fika is a smaller workshop that will start off in March 2021 for its first time amid COVID-19 pandemic. The event will be virtual and free of charge. Register here!
Fika is a Swedish word meaning a social coffee break with one's colleagues, friends, date or family, usually accompanied with sweet, baked goods.