Peter Jipsen
Professor of Mathematics
Chapman University
This web page:
Keck Center 364
My office phone:
Chapman University
Faculty of Mathematics
Keck Center of Science and Engineering
1 University Drive
Orange, CA 92866, USA
Teaching Schedule:
Spring 2025
Math 460, Modern Algebra, TTh 1:00-2:15pm, SC 103
Office hours:
TTh 12-12:50pm, 2:30-3:30pm in KC 364
(or email me to arrange another time).
GALAI seminar:
General Algebra, Logic and Artificial Intelligence
Wednesdays, 2:30-3:30pm in KC 370
On the editorial board of the journals
Algebra Universalis and
Member of CECAT:
Chapman University Center of
Excellence in Computation, Algebra and Topology
Core Group member of BLAST: A conference series on
Boolean Algebra, Logic, Universal Algebra, Set Theory and
Steering Committee member of RAMiCS: A conference
series on
Relational and Algebraic Methods in
Computer Science
Web pages for my students
Web pages related to my research
Research Interests
Algebra, Logic, Discrete Mathematics, Computer Science,
Formally Verified Mathematics, Interactive Mathematics on the Web.
List of citations to my publications (click on the number in the "Cited by" column)