Accelerated Calculus I
MATH 115, Fall 2019
Course Information

Lectures: Section 1, MWF 8:30-9:45am, Hashinger SC 127,

Instructor: Dr. Mihaela Vajiac Office: Keck 365

Office hours: Posted on personal webpage
Email: mbvajiac at

Text: Calculus: Early Trans (Single Variable)(w/WebAssign Access) 8th Edition, 2016 book, by James Stewart
1) Bundle: Calculus: Early Transcendentals, Loose-Leaf Version, 8th + WebAssign Printed Access Card for Stewart's Calculus: Early Transcendentals, 8th Edition, Multi-Term ISBN 9781305616691 $129.00
2) WebAssign Printed Access Card for Calculus, Multi-Term Courses, Life of Edition ISBN 9781285858265
3) Cengage Unlimited printed access code 4-month ISBN 9780357700037

Topics covered: Limits and Continuity, Differentiation, Applications of these, Antiderivatives, Definite integrals, Applications, Methods of integration, Differential equations, Polar Coordinates. Applications.

Prerequisites: Math 104 or equivalent. Credits: 3

Objectives: The main objective for this course is to acquaint you with fundamental calculus concepts involving functions of one variable, and to help you understand and apply such functions in a variety of settings. In Math 116 we will move on towards Several Variables and more applications. We begin with a treatment of real valued functions of a single real variable. We shall meet lots of examples of functions, and learn how to visualize them. We then introduce the concept of a limit of a function as the input variable approaches a particular value. This leads to the important concept of continuity. Then we define the derivative of a function from an analytic point of view involving rates of change and from a geometric point of view involving slopes of tangent lines to graphs. These two interpretations of the notion of derivative lead to important applications of differential calculus. The applications include rates of change problems, optimization (max/min) problems, numerical applications (Newton's method), and more. Then we introduce the notion of an integral of a function and explain its meaning in various contexts. We estimate values of integrals from graphs and tables, and we present some applications of integration such as area, volume, work and average value. We cover the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus that explains concretely the connection between derivatives and integrals, then continue to applications of integration, methods of integration, differential equations, and polar coordinates.
Much thought and persistent work on your part will be necessary in order to achieve this goal. Making a regular and concerted effort to read the textbook will be a key to success. To prepare for exams, it is also recommended that you try working as many problems from the book as possible. Condensed answers to the odd numbered problems can be found in the back of the book to assist you in determining whether your approach is correct. Questions are ALWAYS welcome during class periods and during office hours. Attendance at each class lecture and lab is required and expected.

Homework: We will use an online system called WebAssign: .
You can sign in using the following class key: chapman 3539 2444
Homework problems are done over the web and provide instant feedback as to whether you have done a problem correctly or not. When you have done a problem correctly, your credit for the problem is immediately recorded in the database. You are encouraged to discuss problems with other students, however WebAssign problems are individualized for each student, so you must do your own assignment. These problems count for 200 of the total 1000 points. There will be approximately 3 online assignments each week (one for each section of the textbook), each consisting of about 20 problems, open the day before the section is covered and due the following Monday. Although these problems are presented on WebAssign, they should be solved neatly, solutions written on paper and only the final answer should be entered into WebAssign to check if it is correct.

Optional Extra Credit Homework: To encourage writing these neat solutions, up to 40 points extra credit (4 percentage points) will be given for presenting all written homework assignments during office hours (twice during the entire semester, sometimes around the midterm and around the final). This process will be divided in two. Sections that will appear on the midterm exam could be reviewed during the week of the midterm for 20 points and the rest are due the week of the final exam for the remaining 20 points. It is important to solve ALL homework problems, as similar problems will undoubtedly appear on the midterm, final, and on the weekly quizzes.

Tests and Quizzes:
Weekly quizzes (10 points each, up to 120 points altogether). Quizzes will be given weekly, and the times will NOT be announce beforehand. Mystery: thy name is Accelerated Calculus...
One in-class midterm (200 points). The dates for the midterm will be anounced in class a week in advance, a tentative date is: October 7th 2019. Implicit in your registration for this class is the affirmation that you will be present to take all examinations.
Online Chapter Tests: Seven to eight online chapter tests (total 150 points) will be given, one at the end of each chapter. They are similar to the online homework problems, but each question can only be attempted once.
Final exam: The final exam (300 points) is comprehensive and is scheduled as follows:

Moodle: We will use a web-based course management system called Moodle (at This system is similar to Blackboard, but it has particular features for writing mathematical formulas, graphing functions, communicating in online discussions, as well as accessing your exam and HW grades. Every few weeks, you may be assigned problems to which you will write solutions within Moodle, much like the written homework, for more extra credit points.

Important Note: As a general rule, there will be no make-up labs, no make-up tests.

Grading: Total 1000 points, distributed as follows:

  1. Midterm Exam: 200 points
  2. Weekly quizzes: 120 points
  3. Final Exam: 300 points
  4. Homework: 200 points
  5. Online Chapter Tests: 150 points
  6. SI and In-class Participation: 30 points
  7. Extra-Credit: various

Tentative scale:
Score of at least (%) 92 90 87 83 80 77 73 70 67 63 60
Letter Grade A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D D-

Course Learning Outcomes:
Undergraduates will be able to:
1. Develop quantitative reasoning skills which will enable them to:
a. solve problems by utilizing extrapolation, approximation, precision, accuracy, rational estimation and statistical validity,
b. create quantitative models to describe natural phenomena.
2. Apply the principles of computational science to scientific problems. Students will develop critical thinking, end to end problem-solving, and data analysis skills. With these skills, they will be able to:
a. collect, process and analyze data,
b. use mathematics and computing to solve scientific problems
3. Apply principles of applied mathematics to scientific problems to:
a. evaluate the accuracy of approximations,
b. interpret the results of calculations.

Program Learning Outcomes
1. Graduates will be able to communicate mathematical ideas orally and in writing
2. Graduates will be able to read university level mathematical texts.
3. Graduates will be able to prove basic results in mathematics.
4. Graduates will be able to read professional literature in mathematics.

Course Accommodations: If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability please make an appointment to discuss this with the instructor as soon as possible. No course adaptations, accommodations, or special treatment will be given without written justification from the Chapman University Disability Services. Their office is located inside Student Psychological Counseling Services (410 N. Glassell St.).

Collaboration and Academic Honesty: Collaboration on homework is encouraged. Group discussions and study sessions can be useful tools for learning. However, outright copying is unacceptable. A good rule of thumb is that it is fine to talk together about how to do a problem, but then go do it and write it up yourself, possibly comparing answers afterwards if you are unsure. Exams are intended to be an individual effort. Therefore, no collaboration is permitted on exams, which includes discussing an exam with any student taking it at a different time. In addition to these specific examples, Chapman University's academic honesty policy applies to this course. If you are unsure whether an activity would constitute a violation of the academic honesty policy, please ask the instructor.

Equity and Diversity: Chapman University is committed to ensuring equality and valuing diversity. Students and professors are reminded to show respect at all times as outlined in Chapman's Harassment and Discrimination Policy: Any violations of this policy should be discussed with the professor, the Dean of Students and/or otherwise reported in accordance with this policy.

Expectations: I expect that everyone will maintain a classroom conducive to learning. I like an informal atmosphere, but it must be orderly. Thus, everyone is expected to behave with basic politeness, civility, and respect for others. In particular, talking in class is ok if it's part of a class discussion or with me. Private communications are not, especially during exams. Neither are reading extraneous materials, using electronic equipment, or sleeping. Suggestions for improvement are welcome at any time. Any concern about the course should be brought first to my attention.

Student Support at Chapman University: Over the course of the semester, you may experience a range of challenges that interfere with your learning, such as problems with friend, family, and or significant other relationships; substance use; concerns about personal adequacy; feeling overwhelmed; or feeling sad or anxious without knowing why. These mental health concerns or stressful events may diminish your academic performance and/or reduce your ability to participate in daily activities. You can learn more about the resources available through Chapman University Student's Psychological Counseling Services here:

While it is preferred that you include your contact information so this team can follow up with you, you can submit a report anonymously. 24-hour emergency help is also available through Public Safety at 714-997-6763.

Dr. Mihaela Vajiac
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Chapman University. Last modified: Sat Aug 23 10:39:41 PDT 2018