(preliminary version)

Some applications of games in logic

Workshop Organizer: Ian Hodkinson, Imperial College, UK

A brief description: This workshop is not intended as a general survey of logical games. Rather, it presents four case studies that will hopefully illustrate some ways in which games have been used to capture logics and/or prove interesting results in logic. A variety of games are involved, including several different back-and-forth games, forcing games, and semantical games. Similarly, several areas of logic are discussed: temporal logic, finite model theory, logics of branching quantifiers, and algebraic logic.


  1. Ian Hodkinson: Some games in temporal logic.
  2. Anuj Dawar: Finite variable games on finite models.
  3. Wilfrid Hodges: Game semantics for Hintikka-Sandu logic.
  4. Ian Hodkinson: Representability is undecidable for finite relation algebras.