This is the home page for Calculus Text Puzzles: An interactive way of reading scrambled calculus definitions, examples and proofs. The text on these dynamic webpages can be rearranged easily, and the reader is given automatic feedback on whether the original correct form of the definitions, examples or proofs has been reconstructed.
Click on some of the sample results below and see how this approach allows you to (re)discover concepts. This can help with understanding calculus, and it is more interesting than simply reading the textbook. It is meant as an intermediate step between studying existing definitions and proofs versus writing your own. You are encouraged to print out the unscrambled version of a completed puzzle and keep it as a record and study-aid. The pages below require Netscape 4.5-4.78 or IE5+ on a PC, and currently do not work properly with Netscape 6+ or on a Mac (due to font problems and my lack of good testing platforms).
Here is some more information about Text Puzzles in general, and hints on how to use the underlying JavaScript program to make your own.